Recently I started to switch my projects to javascript programs. I discovered meteorJS which seems a good option to develop web apps.
Installing meteorjs
Starting a new project
Type "meteor create appname" in your desired folder. The project consist of 3 files: appname.js, appname.html and appname.css. To start the server go to in the created folder and type "meteor".
MeteorJs is using MongoDb which is already packed inside the framework, so there is no need to install something for that. Let's start creating a site to hold a bunch of sites. For the beginning we clean up the existing code removing the existing dummy functionality. We'll have something like this:
// this is an empty file
// for the moment not much here:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// this executes in the client, but nothing here
if (Meteor.isServer) {
// this executes in the client, but nothing here
<template name="sites">
<p>This template will display a list of sites</p>
You can notice the only thing we did was to create a template which display a simple text and to render it using {{>sites}} inside the main html code.
In this step we are going to create a collection to hold our list of sites.
In the js file we add the following:
// defines the collection
Sites = new Mongo.Collection("sites");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// bind the mongo collection to the template
Template.sites.helpers( { sites:Sites.find() } );
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (Sites.find().count() == 0){
Sites.insert( { name:"", description:"Official Meteor Site" } );
Sites.insert( { name:"", description:"Programming Tutorials" } );
console.log( "Adding default sites in Meteor.startup " + Sites.find().count() );
We also have to modify the template inside the html file:
<template name="sites">
{{#each sites}}
Styling the project using bootstrap
Meteor provides an easy way to add new modules to the projects. Instead of copying files manually you can simply use the command "meteor add packagename" to install new packages. You can explore the repository online to look up for packages on We can simply add bootstrap using "meteor add twbs:bootstrap"(details about the package here).
Once we added bootstrap we can style the our list using bootstrap tags.
Adding sites using bootstrap modal dialog
Let's add a new template and render it before rendering the sites templete {{>addsite}}:
<template name="addsite">
<input type="text" name="name"/><br/>
<input type="text" name="description"/><br/>
<button class="btn btn-success">Save</button>
We re going to add now some jquery code to